
Ruwwad Youth Graduation 2019

On the 30th of November 2019, the graduation ceremony of 44 youth scholars celebrated the completion of their journey at Ruwwad. The Enrichment Program focuses on dialogue, wellness and business skills to enhance critical thinking, open-mindedness and respect for diversity and pluralism. Graduates were honoured for their achievements and contributions   as they confirmed  their commitment to community service, volunteerism and civic engagement.

Child Labor Prevention Project

To raise awareness about the importance of education and child labor and its impact on education and health, a new partnership with the International Labour Organization (ILO) was launched under the title “Child Labor Prevention Project” in May 2019. The project aims to get children back to school and provide vocational training opportunities to their parents.

Coding Project

To bridge the digital divide among Ruwwad’s children, 10 children completed the coding course with Hello World Kids and delivered 25 coding projects in September 2019. Children learned the basics of programming and code writing. Plus, a series of coaching sessions supported children in brainstorming a project concept using their newly acquired learning.

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